Féilte, ICTedu, EUFolio and The Excited Conferences
This academic year I attended 4 educational/ICT conferences. These conferences must be of high educational value because they are at the expense of me spending time with my children.
One of my highlights was Féilte, where teachers showcased their use of ICT in the classroom.
I felt that these teachers were keen to share ideas that worked for them without expecting anything in return. I wanted to be part of this sharing and collaborating experience and consequently as the year went on Julianne (English teacher) and I presented a workshop at ICTedu and showcased student work at excited.ie.
After attending these conferences I feel they are aimed at 3 key audiences. Those who are completing action research where they share their findings. Those who share what they find beneficial in their classroom. Finally, those teachers who are heavily involved in ICT.
So just to say thank you to you all. I had a great year!