16 June 2016

Reflection on PBL MOOC via http://academy.schooleducationgateway.eu/

Online Tools for PBL  http://bit.ly/1tsGWNC
This is my way of recording CPD my for future use and I am just sharing it as it is useful.
I decided to do a Project Based Learning project via http://academy.schooleducationgateway.eu/ as I think it will be beneficial when I start teaching the new Business Studies curriculum in September.  As part of this course, we are asked to keep a diary to record learning.  So below is a padlet with a reflection on my current teaching and what I hope to get from the course.  We had to come up with a learning question (What do I need to know about banking so I can manage my money?) The latter cannot be googleable!  So we were asked to use the following tools throughout the course:



Using http://learningdesigner.org/ 10 out of 10
I found the learning designer software excellent, it is free at the moment but not sure if it will stay that way.  I based the lesson on banking and the Learning design website made me aware of timing, varying activities, using co-operative learning and basically a project based learning classroom.  A pie chart indicated the variety of learning activities used.  So it enticed me to incorporate as much as possible to ensure learning outcomes are achieved in a memorable way for the students.

Using http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php    9 out of 10.
I create a rubric using this site, to assess a brochure.  This was  convenient and quick and prompted me to use valuable criteria for assessment.  The site is brilliant just a lot of information together to decipher but I imagine after using it a few times I would become more efficient.

I am only on module 2 of 4 so far.  I was a few days late starting so found starting demanding as a lot of guidelines to follow.  They use twitter and facebook to communicate, I have assessed others work and they mine.  But the feedback is varied in quality, there are language barriers and primary/postprimary/pre school teachers from different countries.  But in saying that I have learned from others.  With other commitments I am not sure how much effort I can put into last 2 modules but even what I have learned so far is invaluable.

I used copied this from the MOOC as it is useful

2 - Copyright

The Internet is a space for sharing and exchanging. But when and how can you use material found on the Internet? Can you use copyrighted music when creating a video/presentation? Can you use a nice picture found on a Flickr album on the web without second thoughts? If you are lost with copyright issues or find hard to understand complicated law statements related to terms and conditions of use of certain materials, take a look at the following website by Childnet International.
And what happens when you create your own material? Would you like to share it with other fellow colleagues but protect it from any misuse? Take a look at Creative Commons which can help you answer these questions. It is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of materials and resources through free legal tools. Learn more about the different licenses and what they mean. On their website, they have a simple tool that will help you choose the type of license you need. Once you have picked the one you need, you can download it in high quality and different formats here.

3 - eSafety

Your online reputation is the “perception, estimation and opinion that is formed when you are encountered 
online". Learn more about online reputation here. What can you do to protect your personal data and online 
reputation? The golden rule is “think before you post”. Is the content you are about to share online going to affect your or someone else’s privacy? Can you be friends with pupils on social networking services? What should you do if other people post inappropriate images of you online? And if you are victim of cyberbullying? Take a look at this guide which includes advice and interesting question to reflect on regarding your online reputation.
For more information about eSafety as well as lots of resources to use with your students check out the following links:
  1. eTwinning Featured Group: Bringing eSafety into eTwinning projects (you need to be a member of eTwinning to join the group)
  2. Better Internet for Kids
  3. Web We Want
  4. eSafety Label
  5. Safer Internet Day

Consumer Task...LC Business

Ms Bergin.....Student Task on the consumer and exploring consumer rights. Consumer Research Task, press enter to enlarge the boxes. ...